Advanced Emo-Fizz Sticks

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Advanced Emo-Fizz Sticks

The most effective IN BODY form of Glutathione

Akosma advanced emo-fizz sticks is an innovative fizzy drink mix made with Emothion® and Purple™ Blend, a proprietary blend of berries with potent Anti-oxidant activity.

3 g x 10 Sticks


  • Emothion® is the most effective IN BODY form of S-Acetyl Glutathione

  • It is a patented, orally stable and crystalline form of Glutathione

  • Enhanced bio-availability and faster action

Purple Blend™

  • An innovative blend of natural berries with high ORAC value

A Multitude of Benefits

  • Improves skin health-whitening

  • Anti-oxidant

  • Liver detoxification

  • Immune system

  • Sport nutrition

Start by adding 1 Akosma Advanced Emo Fizz Stick to an empty glass and then add 100-120 ml chilled water. Wait for the fizz sticks to dissolve completely before drinking. This should take about 15-20 seconds. Enjoy the refreshing taste of the Purple Blend.

Emothion® (S-Acetyl Glutathione), Mannitol, Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid Anhydrous, Sucralose, Maltodextrin, Bilberry Ext., Blackberry Ext., Blue Grape Ext., Raspberry Ext., Pomegranate Ext. (Purple™ Blend)